How to create backup with batch file
Batch files are a text files that contain commands, which are executed anytime the file is being run. Sometimes, it is important and useful to copy the existing directories onto some other network drive or hard disk instead of using the very complicated types of backup methods. The multiple directories are usually backed up easily with just a click by running and creating a batch file. The file can usually be executed from the desktop manually and can be added up to a startup or a schedule for a periodic execution as required.
Batch files have easy syntax and they have quite a number of uses. They are used in copying text relaxing and then pasting it on Notepad. A new file can be created by .cmd or .bat extension, instead of txt. Backup operations can be performed from the batch files by the use of the ntbackup command together with a number of other command line parameters. There are two major limitations of using the batch files to act as back up data. Ntbackup command backs up only the entire folders; individual files cannot be designated for backup. You cannot designate individual files for backup. However, backup selection files designation also known as bks file that contains file lists that need to be backed up. Ntbackup command cannot support the wild card character use such as typing *.txt that will not offer any back up files together with a .txt extension.
Creating folders when the date has been incorporated can be useful when it is in the folder name. Ensure that the variable folder is set to a current date but taking the form of the United States system of date formats. One can also use current time for the folder name and can be separated by underscores. A point to note is the fact that there exists an extra step that is able to clean up the possible spaces found in single digit hours on the system time.
It is advisable to clean up all the cookies, history, temporary files from the location of the destination back up and as it is applicable. This is of grave importance especially in the case where one is backing up multiple or full user profiles and then overwriting them in periodic manner. These backup directories are bound to increase with the unnecessary files and this can be taken care of by using a specific code to the backup script or alternatively separating a batch file. Backing up using batch files is an easy task as long as the backing up procedure is carefully mastered.
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